Water Service ELITE


Water treatment is as much about knowledge as it is about technology.

 At Water Service Elite, we're dedicated to ensuring our clients are always informed. Our FAQ section is a reflection of this commitment, addressing common questions, busting myths, and ensuring that when it comes to water quality, you're always in the know.

Our experts are here to help! You can contact us to discuss your specific water quality needs, and we'll recommend the best system based on your water usage, the contaminants present, and your budget.

Maintenance requirements vary by system type. Generally, filter replacements are needed every 6 to 12 months. We provide detailed maintenance guidelines with each system and offer a maintenance service to keep your system in top condition.

Yes, our filtration systems are equipped to remove contaminants such as lead, arsenic, and mercury, making your water safer and improving its taste and odor.

Absolutely! Water filtration systems provide a more sustainable and cost-effective solution compared to bottled water. They reduce plastic waste and offer the convenience of clean water directly from your tap.

Yes. Municipal water utility companies generally treat tap water. One of the most important
things they do is add a solution to the water to kill biological threats like bacteria and viruses.
However, water treatment also leaves trace amounts of residue.
The contaminants in tap water which get past the final levels of filtration are called Total
Dissolved Solids (TDS). TDS are typically composed of metals, chemicals, organic materials,
and minerals.
Our water bills would most likely skyrocket if water companies operated with the goal of
removing all TDS. Instead, they treat water so that it has “acceptable levels” of TDS to keep tap
water affordable.

A water softener works by removing minerals that cause water hardness, primarily calcium and magnesium, through a process called ion exchange. Here’s a brief overview:

  1. Ion Exchange Process: The hard water enters the water softener tank where it comes into contact with small resin beads. These beads are coated with sodium ions. As the hard water passes through, the resin beads attract and hold onto the calcium and magnesium ions while releasing sodium ions into the water.

  2. Regeneration Cycle: Over time, the resin beads become saturated with calcium and magnesium ions. The water softener then enters a regeneration cycle where a strong brine solution is flushed through the resin tank. The high concentration of sodium in the brine displaces the calcium and magnesium on the beads, renewing their ability to soften water. The displaced calcium and magnesium, along with excess sodium, are then flushed out of the system.

  3. Soft Water Output: After regeneration, the softener is ready to process more hard water. The result is softer water that flows through your plumbing and appliances, reducing scale buildup and enhancing the effectiveness of soaps and detergents.

This ion exchange system is effective for reducing the hardness of the water, making it easier on appliances, plumbing, and improving soap efficiency.

PPCPs (pharmaceuticals and personal care products) enter drinking water through excretion, disposal, and agricultural runoff. These chemicals can persist in water supplies due to resistance to conventional treatment processes. Although the full health impacts are not entirely understood, there are concerns about potential hormonal disruptions in humans and wildlife. Efforts to mitigate PPCP effects include enhancing wastewater treatment, promoting proper disposal, and conducting more research into their environmental and health impacts.

Fracking can impact drinking water through chemical leaks, methane contamination, water depletion, and surface water pollution. Chemicals used in fracking may seep into groundwater, methane can make water flammable, the process consumes large water amounts, and mishandled flowback fluids can contaminate surface waters. Effective monitoring and regulation are essential to mitigate these risks.

A reverse osmosis (RO) water filtration system works by forcing water through a semi-permeable membrane that filters out impurities and allows only water molecules to pass through. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

  1. Pre-filtration: Water first passes through one or more pre-filters designed to catch larger particles like sediment and reduce chlorine levels that can damage the RO membrane.

  2. Reverse Osmosis Membrane: The core of the system is the RO membrane. Water is forced under pressure through this thin membrane, which is dense enough to remove impurities including dissolved salts, lead, bacteria, and other contaminants.

  3. Drainage of Contaminants: The impurities filtered by the membrane are flushed out to the drain, while the clean water moves to the next stage.

  4. Post-filtration: After passing through the membrane, the water often goes through a post-filter to polish the drinking water before it enters a dedicated faucet. This stage might include a carbon filter to remove any remaining taste and odor.

  5. Storage: The purified water is stored in a holding tank until needed. Since RO filtration is a slow process, the tank ensures that purified water is readily available on demand.

Reverse osmosis systems effectively remove a wide range of contaminants, making them a popular choice for improving water quality in homes and businesses.

An algae bloom is a rapid increase or accumulation in the population of algae in freshwater or marine water systems, often resulting in a colored scum on the surface. These blooms can be caused by a combination of factors including warm temperatures, stagnant water, and excessive nutrients (especially phosphorus and nitrogen) from sources like fertilizers, sewage, and runoff from farmland.

Algae blooms can have significant negative effects on water bodies:

  • Toxicity: Some blooms produce harmful toxins that can threaten the health of wildlife, pets, and humans. These toxins may contaminate drinking water supplies or cause harm upon direct contact.
  • Oxygen Depletion: As algae die and decompose, they consume oxygen in the water. Severe depletions can lead to hypoxic (low oxygen) conditions, which are harmful to aquatic life, including fish kills.
  • Ecosystem Disruption: Excessive algae growth can block sunlight from reaching other aquatic plants, disrupt habitats, and alter food webs, impacting overall biodiversity.

Algae blooms are increasingly common due to climate change and increased nutrient pollution, prompting the need for better management practices in agriculture, wastewater treatment, and urban planning to control their occurrence.

Getting a water test is important for ensuring safety and health, as it identifies harmful contaminants like bacteria and lead in your drinking water. It also helps address taste and odor issues, protects appliances from damage caused by hard water, ensures compliance with health standards, and is essential during real estate transactions. Regular testing also supports environmental protection by monitoring local water quality.

WaterServiceElite offers water testing services to determine the contaminants present in your water and to help choose the most effective filtration system for you.

Installation times can vary depending on the system you choose. Our professional installation team works efficiently to ensure your system is up and running as quickly as possible, typically within a few hours.

You can order directly from our website or contact our sales team for assistance. We're here to help you select the perfect system for your needs!

One can’t really say since they both have their purpose, but there are definitely pros and cons to
bottled water and filtered water.
Using a quality water filtration system for your tap water will give you great-tasting water with
high standards. The great thing about filtering your own drinking water is that you know that
you’ll get quality water with a quality refining system, you have a reduced carbon footprint since
you’re not using single-use plastics, and you save more and more money over time.
On the other hand, each bottled water company has different standards for their respective
products. The water pretreatment has different properties, their treatment methods are different,
and their packaging is different. Plastic water bottles are also not environmentally friendly and
can leach plastic and chemicals into the water. These factors are why each brand of bottled
water has a distinct taste and smell to it.

Having your water tested isn’t just a value-added service that Clearwater Systems provides, it’s
an integral part of the water softener or water filtration system purchase. The free in-home test
allows your Clearwater representative to determine the system that will best correct the water
filtration needs in your home.

Hard water is caused by high levels of minerals, primarily calcium and magnesium, which dissolve into water as it moves through soil and rock. The hardness varies by region, depending on local geological conditions. While not harmful to health and beneficial for providing essential minerals, hard water can cause scale buildup in pipes and appliances, reduce soap effectiveness, and affect the texture of laundered items and skin.

 Chlorine, while effective in treating public water, caan have residual effects detrimental to health and appliance longevity. Removing it ensures safer consumption and prolonged equipment life.

Well water can be safe to drink, but its safety depends on several factors including the condition of the well, the surrounding environment, and regular maintenance and testing. Unlike municipal water systems, well water is usually not treated with chlorine or other disinfectants to kill bacteria or viruses. Therefore, it's crucial for well owners to regularly test their water for contaminants such as bacteria, nitrates, and harmful chemicals which can infiltrate well water from both natural sources and human activities like farming and industrial processes.

If the testing shows contaminants above safe levels, treatments such as filtration, disinfection, or the installation of specific treatment systems may be necessary to make the water safe for drinking. Proper well construction and maintenance, along with periodic testing, are key to ensuring that well water remains safe for consumption

Fluoride in drinking water is considered safe and beneficial at controlled levels, helping to prevent tooth decay by strengthening tooth enamel. Health organizations recommend maintaining fluoride at specific levels to optimize benefits and minimize risks like dental fluorosis. In the U.S., the recommended level is 0.7 parts per million to balance efficacy and safety.